Aug 17, 2007 -- Mt. Washington, North Ridge Route
Steve Dougherty ~ Aug 21, 2007
It was a cool and cloudy morning as the group left Big Lake at 6 a.m. Two in our party (Jim Collins and Paul Guthrie) had summitted Mt. Washington about thirty years previous. The group maintained a modest pace arriving at the notch below the summit on schedule. Rock fall off the summit suggested that we were not the first on the mountain that day. Fellow Chemeketans Rick Barry and Ryan Good peered down from the first rappel anchor as we readied ourselves for the rock climb. The leader set three fixed lines to protect the route. This was a time consuming process causing those sitting in the cold and windy notchy to become quite chilled. A group photo was taken before the group rappeled their way back to the notch as the clouds began to dissipate. Mike Niemeyer led the group back to the parking lot and Greg Phillips brought up the rear. Participants were leader Steve.Dougherty; assistants Greg Phillips and Mike Niemeyer; JimCollins, Susie Callahan, Dan Sewell, Jane Morris, Rick Slezak, Brian Kier and Paul Guthrie.