Aug 2, 2002 -- Three Finger Jack via the South Ridge Route
Steve Dougherty ~ Aug 18, 2002
Six climb team members camped at the Pacific Crest Trailhead at Santiam Pass on Friday night. Kevin McBee joined the group shortly after 6 a.m. on Saturday.

A group of Mazama members departed the trailhead twenty minutes before us, guaranteeing that we would be delayed about two additional hours. The clear skies and cool temperatures made the five mile approach quite comfortable. We arrived at 'The Crawl' just a few minutes after the Mazama team. We crossed the fixed line set by the Mazamas at 'The Crawl' and then waited at the base of the summit block while their team summited and descended. A fixed line was established from the bottom of the summit block to the rapel anchor. Assistant leader, Jim Rudy, belayed leader, Steve Dougherty, with the remainder of the rope to the summit. Steve anchored the rope to the summit before the remainder of the team used the fixed line to join him on the summit. Steve took several pictures of the climb team on the very exposed summit. Climb team member descended in reverse order and rapeled a single rope from the rapel anchor. We tried to move quickly as two other groups were behind us. The walk back to the trail head was long but uneventful.

Key learnings from the trip were: 1) One can depart the trailhead at 5:30 a.m. and still start the approach in daylight. 2) Limiting group size to eight reduces the amount of waiting and 3) Three Finger Jack is more intimidating to the beginning climber than Mt. Washington.

Climb team members were Brad Tedrow, Roland Mack, Kevin McBee, Paul Clinton, Assistant Leader Jim Rudy and Leader Steve Dougherty.